National Mourning Day observed

MOONFLOWER AUTISM FOUNDATION observed the National Mourning Day on its premises on August 14, 2023. A cultural program was held on this occasion with the participation of individuals with autism. Moonflower Autism Foundation also participated in the art competition program arranged by Neuro Development Disability Protection Trust (NDD Trust), Ministry of Social Welfare. Dhrupad Asad a student of MOONFLWER SCHOOL FOR AUTISM won the 2nd Prize (autism group) and received a crest & certificate. The Minister, state minister and secretary of the Ministry of Social Welfare and Director General of Social Service Department were present at the program. #moonflowerschool #moonflowerautismfoundation #autismbd #শোকদিবস #15august #autismawareness #NationalMourningDay #nddtrust #specialeducation